Thursday, July 19, 2007

Warning! This Blog May Contain Namedrops!

This album cover is my new tattoo. Not sure how the fuck it'll look, but getting Bob Nanna Is Nearly God!! etched into my lower back crossed a major lurker line. For realz. So this will do and swimmingly.

Self City Monster - better known as Self Against City - shacked it up in the apartment for a couple nights this week. In the here's-my-couch-you-can-sleep-on-it way, of course, because I don't do those things (well, try not to do those things) to people in bands. My reputation won't ever have room for that sort of talk after my review-bashing. ANYWAY, it was awesome. After Sunday's night show at Fletcher's, those sunny CA dudes came back to the apartment, sat on our couch, and fully proved that - as offbeat as this sounds to me - there are other bands almost as fun to hang out with as The Graduate. And I suppose the apartment was thrilling enough to warrant a callback because last night, en route to Atlantic City's HOB's, the dudes stopped by for night cap number two. Booze and weed and N64 ensued, and I can only hope that Jacqueline won't be off vacationing next time. She could totally whip their asses in 007.

But the reason why I tell you all this is for a couple reasons. One reason - Providing couch/floor space and extraneous pillows for touring bands is a startup hobby of mine. It gives our apartment character and flavor and random insights into what it's really like to be on the road and in a rock band. From what I've gathered, it awesomely sucks. Meaning that it sucks in the awesome way. Meaning that even the things that suck are sort of awesome. Meaning that only a minute part of touring that actually sucks and everything else is just a roundabout awesome. Hence my excitement for Warped Tour this year. Another reason - I spent most of the time in my apartment pondering my friendships and values to other people over the past. This is no fun. What better way to pass the mullings by with a band and some sushi with London. I am thrilled that Jac is back in the apartment. Now two people live here - not just one with huge ideas.

Someone typed something somewhere that is going to change the course of my life from this point on.

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